Fostering spiritual development, academic excellence, & service to others.
DonateAll school uniforms are to be ordered only through Elder Manufacturing, as they are designed and manufactured specifically for all Trinity Catholic School students. N0 other uniforms will be allowed. Our uniform package includes: pants, polo shirts, oxford shirts, cardigans, V-neck sweaters, skorts, jumpers, tights, and Trinity jackets.
GIRLS: We offer pants, polo shirts, long sleeve oxfords, short sleeve oxfords, skorts (grades 6-8), jumpers (grades K-5), cardigan sweaters, and leggings. Only Trinity sweaters or jackets will be allowed in the classrooms.
BOYS: We offer: pants, polo shirts, long sleeve oxfords, short sleeve oxfords, and V-neck sweaters. Only Trinity sweaters or jackets will be allowed in the classrooms.
Clothing color clarifications: Pants are navy blue; polos are white or navy blue; long sleeve oxfords are white; skorts and jumpers are #92 plaid; cardigan sweaters are navy blue; V-neck sweaters are navy blue; Trinity jackets are royal blue; leggings are navy blue; socks white or navy.
Consequences for uniform violation:
1st Occurrence: Phone call & letter explaining violation; Parent return signature required
2nd Occurrence: Phone call & parent requested to pick up child or bring appropriate uniform to school
3rd Occurrence: Meeting with administrator
More details: Hats are not to be worn in the building. Students may not wear sandals, flip flops, or large clunky indoor boots or shoes. Only natural hair colors, including streaks, are allowed. Only solid navy or white hair accessories. No tattoos are allowed. Only piercings of the ears are allowed (no gauges). Trinity students who belong to Camp Fire, Scouts, or other similar youth groups may wear the group’s uniform on meeting days. Modest, neat (free from holes) clothing may be worn on “free dress” days as scheduled by administration.
Uniform Store