Fostering spiritual development, academic excellence, & service to others.
DonateAll families attending Trinity School are responsible for paying their annual tuition commitment, as set forth by the Tuition Payment Schedule below. No family will be refused admission because of a genuine inability to pay all or part of their tuition.
Families will be required to fill out the FACTS application prior to admittance to Trinity Catholic School. Details found on the home page of the schools website.
As part of the registration process, each family will meet with the principal and fair share committee. to determine what they can pay under the Fair Share Tuition Plan toward the actual cost of educating their children. A contract will be signed by both the parents, principal, and fair share representative. Parents contract a moral and legal obligation to pay their tuition. If their tuition commitment is not paid as per their contract, the Termination Procedure will go into effect.
Regular attendance is required of all students to support the academic climate of the school. The interaction and personal relationships between students and teachers and between students and peers are aspects of education that cannot be made up once they are missed. Therefore, it is important to emphasize prompt class attendance and that only serious circumstances should be cause for absence. It is the student’s responsibility to promptly make up all work missed due to absence. Please check Sycamore for grades and assignments. A complete set of guidelines may be found in the school handbook.
Please listen to the radio and television for reports of possible school closure during inclement weather. We will always close when District 81 public schools are closed. Listen to the following radio and television stations for closure information. The school will also post a message on the website, and the school’s Remind App.
In-service days are scheduled to provide for professional growth for teachers. On these days, teachers participate in workshops and seminars, or they are involved with the evaluation and improvement of the school curriculum. For dates and times of dismissal on these days, refer to the school calendar and Thursday Bulletin announcements.
If at any time during the school year there is a change of address or telephone number, please notify the office in writing immediately. This is important for the school records and is of special importance in case of emergency.
We kindly request that you send all messages for your children to the school office. Classes should not be interrupted.
The appearance of a school and the way it is kept has a great deal to do with the reputation of that school. For this reason, all persons using any school property will assume the responsibility for the care of such.
Textbooks and library books should be kept in the best possible condition. If a book is lost or damaged, the student is expected to pay for the loss or damage. All books taken home must be in a book bag or backpack.
Any person who damages school property will make restitution, either through work or payment of incurred debt. In addition, the person may be suspended for a serious offense.
The gym and school building can only be used for approved functions. Approval and scheduling of the gym and school building may be obtained from the principal.
We base our discipline on the research done by Rudolf Dreikurs in training children to make responsible choices. Trinity upholds a standard of student conduct which enhances Christian values and the academic atmosphere of the School and Educare. Positive discipline is viewed as a means of helping students gain self-control and become good citizens.
In addition to Positive Discipline, measures to safeguard the rights of individuals, as well as for the good of the total class, school, and/or Educare must be in place. Habitual violations of school regulations or individual rights may warrant suspension or dismissal. For some infractions, students will be placed on probation, which will prevent them from participating in school and/or Educare activities. Further, they will be suspended or dismissed for serious offenses including, but not limited to, the following:
Each Student Athlete participating in league play is expected to maintain the following minimum Academic Standards:
Each Student Athlete participating in league play is expected to maintain the following minimum Behavior Standards that are enforced by the School Principal:
When parents find that they have a concern or problem with a faculty or staff member, the following procedure will be followed:
Parental cooperation is essential for the welfare of students. It is Diocesan policy that if, in the opinion of the administration, parent behavior seriously interferes with the teaching/learning process, the school may require parents to withdraw their children and sever the relationship with the school.
Desks are the property of the school and may be opened without the presence or permission of the students who use them.
All staff members are required by Washington State Law and by licensing requirements to report immediately to the police or Child Protective Services any instance when there is reason to suspect the occurrence of physical, sexual, or emotional child abuse or child neglect or exploitation. Also, staff members are not able to notify parents when the police or Child Protective Services are called about possible abuse, neglect or exploitation.