Participation in the Volunteer Program allows all families to be involved in the life of the school. It also helps offset thousands of dollars that would otherwise come out of our budget. There will be many opportunities this year to offer either your time, talent, or financial support outside of your tuition. Regardless of your tuition commitment, all families are required to complete and record 20 volunteer hours between July 1-June 30 every year. Failure to volunteer will result in a $290 fee or $14.50 per hour unfulfilled.
It is our expectation that every family participates in our fundraisers throughout the year. , Cow/Pony Families will be notified via email or the Thursday bulletin of volunteer opportunities to help you fulfill your volunteer commitment. Further information will be discussed at your registration appointment.
For families struggling to meet the time commitment, donating unused gift cards can count for hours. Gift card donations replace volunteer hours ($14.50 = 1 hour). These cards will be used within the Trinity Community.
Other daily programs, such as serving lunches or working in our library, are enriched by your presence in our school, assisting with the education of children. All volunteers must have a valid Code of Conduct certificate to serve within the school building in contact with students.
Volunteer opportunities are listed on Sign-Up Genius. Opportunities are updated frequently, so please utilize the link to select options that work for your family. All volunteer hours must be logged into Sycamore.
Rules of thumb for hours
Hours earned for a signup are noted with each slot in Signup Genius.
Late-night clean-up crews receive credit for double hours.
Gift card donation value is 1 volunteer hour for every $15 card donated. Cards must be a minimum value of $15. When donating, please send an email with the gift card with the amount and type of card to ensure you get credit
Food donations: Everything store-bought item earns 1 hour for every $14.50 spent. Home-baked goods receive 1 hour for every 2 dozen donated.
Hour value of items for miscellaneous activities will be noted in the signup slot in Signup Genius.