Fostering spiritual development, academic excellence, & service to others.
DonateThe application IS NOT a government form and is used solely to help the school and parishes assist you with tuition assistance.
You need to complete the FACTS application if you need any tuition scholarship/assistance.
You can begin today by setting up your account. Then finish the documents as you are able. Everything will save to your own account.
Click here to visit the FAQs for the FACTS Management site.
The school will have dates and times available if you need access at the school. Tablets, computers, IPADS, and phones may be used to complete the application. Forms submitted must be PDF’s (we can help scan).
The school is happy to scan, print, and/or send documents to be attached to your application. Please watch for available dates and/or call or
email the office.
The application is completed the FACTS website. Click here to go to that site. The application can be saved and you can go back to it to finish and upload documents.
Copies of your most recent income tax form
W-2 for applicant(s)
Copies of items such as: Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, Workers’ Compensation, and TANF.
Financial Information about house, car, retirement, savings, credit cards, etc. .
There will be times and dates set aside for assistance. The office can help you. The following parents are able to assist you:
Maria Snider 509-279-3643
Alejandra Arias 714-721-1360
Suzi Castelo 509-990-1162.
The form is in Spanish and English. Also, FACTS has a phone number available 24 hours a day.
March 31. The tuition contract will be available to complete when this application is fully submitted unless your family is paying FULL tuition.