Fostering spiritual development, academic excellence, & service to others.
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2024-2025 Campaign for Excellence
Trinity’s Endowment Fund:
The vital role that Trinity School plays in preparing St. Anthony’s and St. Joseph’s children to follow a Christian life is indispensable. Today, more than ever, young people need the influence of a Christian- oriented education – an education that emphasizes the moral values so essential to their wholesome development. Trinity School can do this with your help.
We are aware that many parents are making a great financial sacrifice in sending their children to Trinity School. Other less fortunate parents indicate that limited resources preclude enrolling their children in our school. The Trinity School Endowment Fund was established to financially support maintenance and operations costs and to assist needy parents who want their children to have a Christian education.
Additional money is required now–contributions that will increase the Endowment Fund to a level that will generate interest earnings sufficient to meet this commitment. The money given is not spent. Only the interest earnings from your invested gifts may be expended. This keeps the original amount of your contributions intact, and allows the endowed gifts to keep on giving. You may be assured that whatever the amount of your contributions – $10, $25, $50 or more – they will be greatly appreciated.
Unrestricted Gifts
Gifts received by Trinity School Endowment where the donor does not specify how the gift will be used. Application of the interest earnings is decided by the administration and normally is used to defray expenses where the need is the greatest, i.e. maintenance and operation costs, student aid, teachers’ salaries, etc.
Endowed Scholarships
A restricted gift where the income from the invested gift is used solely for the support of Trinity School students. Where do I send my gifts? Gifts may be designated “For Endowment Fund of Trinity School” and placed in the collection basket at St. Joseph’s or St. Anthony’s, along with your regular Sunday offering, or they may be mailed to: Trinity School Endowment, 2315 N. Cedar, Spokane, WA 99205.
Bequests and Donations
Bequests and donations can be received by Trinity School at any time. The proper form to be used when making a bequest is: “I give, devise and bequeath to THE CATHOLIC BISHOP OF SPOKANE, a corporation sole, a Washington corporation, the sum of $ for the use in the maintenance and support of Trinity School.